About Kriptom
Kriptom is an exchange/swap platform where you can easily exchange between cryptocurrencies. You can quickly swap between cryptocurrencies without sign-up with Kriptom. All swaps are instantaneous and the amount you will receive is predetermined. In swaps made using “floating rate”, the amount you will receive may change instantly according to market data. Especially in cases where the network approval process takes a long time, there may be major changes in the amount you will receive. You can use the “fixed rate” setting to prevent such situations.
Kriptom is free to use and does not require sign-up. In certain cases, Kriptom may request KYC from the user performing the exchange. Kriptom is the nice place to swap over 1000 cryptocurrencies!
Kriptom price/rate data is updated instantly and the swap transactions are also instant. The most suitable swap transaction rate is calculated according to the amount you will send and the estimated amount you will receive is shown. When you make your payment to the deposit address created for you, the swap transaction is automatically started. After the payment is approved on the network, it is converted into the cryptocurrency you specified and sent to the wallet address you entered. These transactions may take between 5-60 minutes depending on the network density. In certain cases, the swap transaction may take longer.
In fact, if you are making transactions related to cryptocurrencies, it is always useful to be careful. Cryptocurrencies naturally contain risks. You do not need create an account on Kriptom and your transactions can be carried out anonymously. If you make large conversions on exchange platforms such as Kriptom, KYC processes may be requested and this may extend the swap process.
Kriptom uses data from dozens of exchanges to find the best rates and offers you the best exchange rate.
If you want to get information/support about a swap you have made, you can reach us from the "live support" section. You can also send an e-mail. The swap is automatic and does not require manual action in most cases. The trade starts when the cryptocurrency you send is approved on its own network. If your trade is not progressing fast enough, you can first check whether the cryptocurrency you sent has been approved on the network. We are always here for further support.
No, we do not have an affiliate system yet.
All transactions are anonymous at Kriptom and you cannot create a new account. However, you can enter your e-mail address in the "additional information" section when creating swap. This will allow us to save your information and past swaps in the membership system that we can integrate later. However, for now and for a long time, you will not be able to create an account at Kriptom.
About Swaps
A swap is the process of converting a certain amount from one cryptocurrency to another. Swap transactions can also be made through decentralized or centralized exchanges. Kriptom offers a fast swap experience. It saves you from dealing with procedures such as user account approval of exchanges. You can make as many swaps as you want, depending on certain limits, over thousands of cryptocurrencies and parities.
No. Kriptom does not require sign-up for exchange/swap transactions. However, due to the KYC/AML agreement, if some transactions involve risk, the user may be asked for identity verification. This is not a common situation and almost 98% of transactions are completed quickly.
The swap transactions you make on Kriptom will most likely be completed within 5-60 minutes. This period may be extended in case of network congestion or similar problems. In order for a swap transaction to start, the amount you send must be approved on its own network. The faster this process is completed, the faster the swap transaction will be completed. At the same time, certain network approvals will be required for the crypto money we send to reach you.
Cryptocurrencies inherently carry risks. The “floating rate” option we offer in exchanges ensures that the amount you send is reflected in our account after it is approved by the relevant network and that transactions are made with the current market information. This allows us to update the estimated amount you will receive according to the market information. The amount you receive may be less or more.
It may take up to 1 hour for the cryptocurrency you send to be confirmed on the network, and 1 hour is a significant period for the cryptocurrency market. The clearest amount you will receive with the floating rate option will use the market information we trade with the network confirmation.
“Fixed rate” allows you to fix the amount you will receive in swap transactions for a maximum of 20 minutes. After starting the swap transaction, you will not be affected by the market data for 20 minutes and the amount you will receive is clear. If this period is exceeded, the “floating rate” option will be activated automatically.
Cryptocurrencies are inherently high risk. Prices may fluctuate dramatically. Sent cryptocurrencies may not be immediately confirmed on the blockchain. As "Kriptom", we recommend that you use a “floating rate”. This way, we use current market data during the exchange process. You will not be affected by sudden major price increases or decreases.
Kriptom cannot calculate in advance the fee that will be charged when sending the requested cryptocurrency. This means that the prices shown do not include network fees. However, most of the time the network fees are so low that it may not affect the amount you receive. Once we take the network fees into account, you may even receive the full estimated amount that was initially offered to you.
We use a "floating rate" by default in barter transactions. This allows us to trade according to current market data. Therefore, there may be price fluctuations in the market from the moment you send. Since the barter transaction is made with current market data, it is affected by price drops and increases. In such cases, it causes a transfer of less or more than the amount initially shown to you.
If you do not want to experience such situations, you can start a new exchange transaction with the "fixed rate" option. With this option, you will not be affected by market data for 20 minutes from the moment you start the exchange transaction.
When you start the swap process and make a payment, this process is often irreversible. Because the Kriptom system automatically performs the swap process from the moment it receives the payment. You can still write to the Kriptom support team to learn about the possibility of cancellation. If you have not made any payment, you do not need to do anything. The relevant swap process will be automatically canceled after a certain period.
When you start an exchange/swap transaction, we automatically direct you to the page where you will make the payment and track the exchange status. This page is automatically updated by Kriptom bots and the system. You can track all the information about your current exchange status on this page. You can save the "exchange id" value on this page somewhere and then track the exchange status with this number.
If you need more information or support, please start a new conversation with the Kriptom support team.
Each swap transaction and parity has its own rules. Most of the time, there are no limits on the amounts you will enter in swap transactions, but in some cases you may encounter minimum or maximum amounts. In such cases, you should trade within these limits. If you need more limits or think there is a problem with the relevant swap transaction, you can get information from the Kriptom support team.
Don't worry. Unfortunately, the excess amount cannot be refunded. The amount sent is updated and completed accordingly. For example, if you sent 0.2 BTC in a trade where 0.1 BTC is requested, the trade will be completed over 0.2 BTC. Avoid paying as little or as much as possible.
The exchange process on Kriptom.com consists of only 4 steps. First, create the exchange transaction and follow the next steps:
1 - Send the specified amount of cryptocurrency to the deposit address. This is the only transaction you need to do. The system will proceed automatically from now on.
2 - Your deposit is confirmed on the network and ready for exchange.
3 - The exchange transaction is performed.
4 - It is sent to the wallet address you specified. The sending time can take between a few seconds and 1 hour. This period varies depending on the network density.
All transactions you make on Kriptom are carried out instantly on major exchanges. Every payment sent to the system is examined in accordance with the AML/KYC agreement. KYC request is only requested when it is detected as “suspicious” by our system or third-party systems when checked. Except for such cases, if your transaction does not contain any suspicion, it will be completed automatically and sent to the wallet address you specified.
If an exchange transaction requires KYC, you can see this on the page you follow the exchange and complete the exchange transaction by easily completing the steps. In this step, you may be asked for information such as "name and surname, address, ID or passport, selfie". However, as mentioned before, most of the exchange transactions carried out at Kriptom are carried out in accordance with KYC policies.
If a trade has not been initiated (payment has not been sent), it will be automatically cancelled after 48 hours. If a trade has been successfully completed, it can only be tracked in the system for 3 weeks from the date it was last updated.
In Kriptom, exchange rates are calculated using live market data. A fixed percentage is not used in exchange transactions.
In some cryptocurrencies, this type of data may be requested in addition to the wallet address. For example, a “destination tag” is requested for XRP. You must enter this data when making a payment to the deposit address or determining the withdrawal address. The user is responsible for swap transactions where this information is not entered or ignored. If you need support in swap transactions where this type of data is requested, you can reach the technical team from the “online support” section.
In this case, unfortunately, there is no action we can take.
If you have not started the swap process, you can continue by starting a new swap process. However, if you enter an incorrect wallet address and make a payment to the deposit address, contact the Kriptom support team quickly. If the swap process is completely under the control of the Kriptom system, your transaction will be canceled and the relevant amount will be refunded to you. However, if the swap process was initiated through a third-party application, unfortunately, a refund/update will not be possible. Therefore, review the information you have entered several times.